sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012


The other day my sister and her almost husband came to dinner, and we started discussing blogs... They are both of the opinion that people who write blogs do so for narcissistic, vane and utterly mundane reasons.

My sister is a bright one, she is, and so is my brother (almost) in law, so I let you ghosts of mine with this consideration: You do not exist, you are only a reflection of my narcissistic mind, which has the need to elaborate complicated phantomly personalities who are desperatly in awe to hear whatever nonsense I have to say...

So this post is not really for you, ghostly constructs of my imagination, don't bother to leave an unexistant comment below, this is for myself, because I'm bored to death, and because aknowledging one's flaws is actually a very healthy excercise.

P.S: I love you Caro and Cesar!!! :)

sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Diet, diet, diet!!!

Picture from: http://completewellbeing.com/article/get-fat-free-get-healthy/

Hello my gostly friends, it's been a while. I know You've missed me, I know, but frankly, it is you own fault that I haven't been more active... yes, your fault!, Imagine how I feel when I get absolutely no feedback on my posts! It's quite boring, you know, talking to a bunch of spectres...
But anyways, I'm here again (that isn't quite sane of me is it?, just a tiny bit masochist perhaps?), and I want to tell you about y diet. Yes, I'm on a diet (finally) to lose that unpleasant extra weight that I've complained about at least once in this blog (I think it was the post about jealousy).
So the diet I'm doing is a famous and controverted one that started in France. Yep, you guessed right, it is the protein based diet, Dukan Method, and although I don't get hungry and the kilos are vanishing rapidly from my body, I am finding it quite troublesome.
You see, I started with the firm determination of losing 15 kilos (God knows I simply don't get how you english-spoken people can understand your inches and pounds, so let's talk about kilos instead) which would lead me to my ideal weight (more or less, I bet if I told an American what I'm aiming to weight they would ask me why do I want to keep on being fat, but for Chilean standards 58 kilos is quite reasonable, and honestly, less than most of the women about my height weight) So you do the math and tell me (not) what I was weighting when this diet started. Currently I have lost round 4 kilos (yesterday they were 5, but today we're back at 4), and with help of a cosmetic treatment, I've also lost 10 centimeters on my lower abdomen, and 6 on my upper one and waist (not bad huh?). People tell me the change is impressive, and I can tell my clothes are becpoming increasingly loose, but all of this doesn't seems to be enough for me... You see, I want to eat different stuff (more than anything, I crave for bread), and I want to go out and be able to drink a beer or a glass of wine or whatever! I honestly miss drinking much more than I expected I would. I miss going out with my boyfriend, and get together with my friends and drink, and eat chips, or fries or crisps, or whatever tey're called (now I think about it, I miss both crispy fried potatoes and those that serve you at restaurants, so there), and going out for ice-cream with my friends (it's summer here, and quite a hot one too) and I miss making cupcakes and be able to taste them. Atually, now that I can't taste them, baking has become an obligation instead of a pleasure, and as I hate having obligations when on break, I am now totally broke, npot being able to sell yummy stuff.
I thought I was bipolar till two days ago, when I talked to a friend that told me that every girl he has known that has been on a diet becomes a monster as soon as they drop the tasty, full of fat and calories, food. So now I'm not worried about losing my mind, only about how to mantain the diet and not loose myself in the meantime, and I tell you, it is HARD. I think I'm gonna lose it every day, and every day I wonder if it is worthy, and every day I fantasize of sweets and sandwiches and chips/crisps and chips/fries and whatnot....... F*ck, i'm in that place again........

See ya around, hopefully thinner and having stuck to the plan