domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

33 chilean miners have been found ALIVE after 17 days trapped at 700 meters under ground

I'm just too happy about this, so I had to public this big news. A lot of people had lost their hopes to find some of them alive, but they are all alive and well, and the rescue mission has started to send them food, medicines and water. The sad part is that they won't be able to come out the mine after another 3 or 4 months, but at least they all survived and now the wait is a hopefull one, and not an anguished one.
I must say that I admire the courage, bravery and wittness of these 33 men, and my thoughts are with them, along a great amount of positive energy.

P.S.: the picture is a message they send tied to the hammer, and it sais "We are alright, at the shelter, the 33 of us.

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Jealousy and Mars attack

Hello everyone, or should I say hello no-one?

Today I'm feelin' a little bit down. Not reallly serious, but kind of annoying. You'll see, my body is suffering from an extraterrestial invasion (I firmly believe this things are martians) that comes invariably once a month, and hunts me for a variable amount of time, between a couple of days to a whole week. This month, the martians have been bothering me a lot, for a week almost, and they were supposed to invade quietly from now on, because of a special mediator that I hired, called Yaz, but I guess they don't obbey the laws of human reasoning, because even though Yaz was making an excellent progress, this month the martians appear to be extremely aggresive, and that makes me a bit agressive myself, and quite irritable, and sensitive and a cry-baby.
I have a theorie, though, about these martians. You'll see, they have two big cities in Mars, both are full of martians, but one of the cities has a quite pacifist president, and he mantains the citizens happy all the time, and the other one has a quite belligerent government, so the invaders from that city are quite angry all the time, and they DON'T feel like listening to all the diplomatic chit-chat coming from Yaz... and they ignore him, and go round destroying my hormonal arrangement, which is like the city hall for my mood operators... And so I get upset, and I keep on feeling down for stupid stuff.

Right now what I feel is kind of the worse feeling ever: Envy... Ok maybe jealousy is the top worse feeling, quite more personal and far harder to keep away by reasoning... and it burns your belly... Well then, ENVY. Envy is different from jealousy, because it appears when you percieve a desirable quality that you don't posses in another person, and you wish you had it instead. So you resent that other person. See? it's quite clear, the reasoning commands that instead of wasting your energy in resenting that person you think of what attitude or behaviour does that person has that allows that particular quality, and imitate it. In my case, I'm feeling envious of a girl who is super attractive and photogenic and that looks really good in pretty much everything she wears, despite the fact that she has always struggle with her weight maybe even more that myself. So what does she do to look that good? She takes her time to pick her clothes, she always smiles, she remembers to stand up straight and she controls her weight regularly, by means of a healthy diet and excercise. So what can I do to imitate her? Well, smile more often, start excercising, and STOP eating so much junck food!!! So I will, at least I'm quite decided right now... I kind of been wanting to go jogging in the mornings, and haven't done it yet for mere lame excuses, so I guess I'll start as soon as I get a pair of jogging pants (i.e. the day after tomorrow).

About jealousy... It is irrational by meaning, so you can't reason with it (or them?? I would love to know if jealousy is a collective noun or not...). So you can feel jealous of a girl who is too friendly with your boyfriend, or from yoour dad's new girlfriend, even knowing that your boyfriend loves you madly and he doesen't even find this clingy girl pretty, or that your mum has been pushing daisies for five years already and that new lady-dad makes him quite happy and bakes pie whenever you go visiting... That's how jealousy works, and in extreme cases it actually can burn your belly!!! Once, I've got serious gastritis over a jealousy crisis... although maybe it was the whole situation that unleashed the jealousness (I just don't know how to call them or it anymore, in spanish its a plural noun so I'm a bit puzzled here)... whatever the thing is that after this particular attack, and after a few years, I still feel a my stomack churning when I think of that particular person, and I can't even put a face to her!

So, summarizing this post, the bad, belligerent martians are invading my uterus, causing the building where my hormones are carefully tended by my citizens to be in deplorable conditions, then causing my mood to suffer a huge jolt, hence making it easy for feelings like "blue" and envy entering my heart and my head, which can controll envy by reasoning against it, but cannot controll jealousy, that is an altogether different thing, much more personal and by meaning irrational.

There! now all that rant makes sense!... kind of... almost... nah, its just another rant.

But who cares! nobody reads this anyways!

See ya non-readers! you made my day!