jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011


It's been a while, a looong while, I know, and I have a lot of things to say. First of all, I finished my reiki sessions, and I'm like a whole new person, full of energy and as happy as a lark! Secondly, I've started my classes again, after 6 months of strike, and I'm not a t all on study mode hahaha, it's quite difficult to keep track on one's studies when one hasn't been studying for so long, but here I am, trying hard not to be left aside. Finally, I've started my own business!! Yeeyy. For that I must thank two special people: Jenny (for all the reiki and therapy that allowed me to stand on my feet again and start working hard) and Alma (from http://www.almascupcakes.es/ and http://www.objetivocupcake.com/), who has been my sole inspiration to start baking myself, and I've realized that I love baking, it makes me feel great! So, I'm not even CLOSE to achieve Alma's dexterity, but I don't even WANT to emulate her, she is just so perfect that I know I couldn't make it (besides, she is very skillfull in the photograph section, and I'm just a disastrous photographer), and my cupcakes sell well enough even if they're not as pretty as they should be. Soo here are some pictures of my beloved morsels (I won't embarrass myself by posting some of Alma's work, you can go on and click on her links and be astonished at her amazing skill and yummy cupcakes if you want to) and a big kiss and a million hugs to all of you ghosts of my soul :)

PS: I also do cake-bons and cookies :)

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